"He who dares not offend cannot be honest." - Thomas Paine

Monday, April 10, 2006

Jobs Americans won't do....

There was a time in this country (even at 24 I've seen a glimpse of it!) when jobs like groundskeeping, lawn work, hotel hospitality, etc. (jobs now held mainly by illegal aliens and unskilled adult laborers) we're done by another HUGE work force willing to put in a honest days work for a minimum wage. They were called TEENAGERS.

When I was a kid I cut the grass, swept floors, raked leaves, pulled weeds, bussed tables, carried a leaf-blower and cleaned bathrooms. For my labor I was rewarded with a paycheck that most kids would scoff at today, barely enough cash to keep that Ipod in batteries. Most of my early years, pre-college, I worked manual-labor gigs and made no more than minimum wage - and was GLAD to do it! Now we're being told we have a gaping hole in our labor market, where jobs exist that, I'm told, no American will do. Just another reason to grant all the 12 million illegals in the US legal status. After all, we NEED these people to do all those jobs that WE won't do! Hmmm. Is it just me, or could this shortage of willing US workers be caused, in part, by teens that have become lazy, spoiled and all about Me, Me, Me? Kids unwilling to pick up a shovel, clean a toilet or do other "undesirable," "un-hip" jobs that so many before them have performed? For a perfect example of the kind of clueless, self-centered mentality I'm referring to, check out Curt Smith's new piece at National Review. http://nationalreview.com/comment/smith200604100745.asp

The "experts" and thousands marching in the streets this week are right. We DO have an enormous workforce available to us just waiting to be recognized... and most of them are upstairs playing X-Box!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent point, this makes me sound young, but what the hell. My generation is definitely stuck in the Abercrombie and Fitch work force mentality. Stand around and cute with the cute guy that came in while you wear skimpy clothes. Most kids want the money but won't perform the tasks because it's not cool, as you stated. I think my generation and the ones to follow need to pull their heads out of their asses and make a dollar without mommy and daddy.

6:18 PM


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