"He who dares not offend cannot be honest." - Thomas Paine

Monday, April 10, 2006

The Protest Circus....

FLY YOUR US FLAG TODAY! Illegal aliens and those that love them are busy waving the Mexican flag and protesting all over the country today, in an attempt to sway public opinion against a immigration bill these criminals object too. They guise their protests under the banner of "protecting immigrants" when what they really want to do is protect and legalize the people who are here ILLEGALLY. Listen to the way they refer to their ilk, as "undocumented workers." Excuse me? Undocumented? They have no interest in being "documented!" If they did, they wouldn't have snuck across the Rio Grande under the cover of night with the help of drug runners, "coyotes" and the Mexican government, only to find a menial seasonal job picking fruit as their wives give birth to "anchor babies" in taxpayer funded ER rooms, running them low on revenue! They would have done it the right way, the way thousands and millions of people have done so in the past...Legally. There are literally millions who would kill to come to the US and even more waiting in immigration lines, tirelessly working to become a US citizen, watching as illegals flood across a line in the sand referred to as a border, to take the jobs and places they themselves have worked, many of them, decades to obtain.

Anyone who thinks this is all about "immigration" and people "doing the jobs American won't do," check out these photos from protests around the country. We have a 4.7 percent unemployment rate, if you keep these international criminals (cause that's what they are) from holding US jobs, you'll be left with a vacuum in the US economy, a vacuum that would naturally fill with the 4.7 percent who are unemployed. And don't tell me that American's won't do these jobs! Once the illegal population is weeded out, hourly wages level off again once large companies and corporations can't hire the fly-by-night workers they are used to paying a pittance. And what would happen if we give them blanket amnesty and make them all legal United State's citizens? They become Americans and we'll need more illegals to do the jobs THEY won't do after gaining citizenship!!

Bottom line, some of these people are here to do an honest day's work, provide for their family and make a life in a country full of opportunity. And that's fine, we want the best folks that the rest of the world has to offer coming and contributing to the US economy and workforce. All we ask is that they arrive the proper way. And once you're here, don't demand that we acclimate to YOUR way of life. This is the US, not Mexico-North! If Mexico is so great and "brown is so beautiful," why are you here and not in your mother country? Because the conomy in Mexico is a shambles, the government and military are corrupt, drug abuce and trade is rampant and the country is teetering on the edge of third-world-dom!

Nowhere else in the world could an immigrant cross the border illegally, join the workforce, demand that their host country print everything (including voting ballots) in their native tongue, provide them with free health care, school their children, provide driver's licenses and hand out social benefits like we do here. And that, in a way, is tribute to the compassion and given nature of Americans - and that should be applauded, but not at the risk of our national security and not at the demise of our rule of law.

Throughout this posting you'll find pictures of some of the groups "protesting our immigration legislation." Many of them are nothing more than "brown racists." Don't believe me? Supplant these images with those of a white-supremacists rally and tell me there's a lot of difference! These idiots think that America belongs to them, that the US "stole" it after the Mexican-American War. They're playing the blame game and playing the victim, just like any other whiny, discontent minority in this country. The blacks blame the whites, the women blame men, fat blame the thin, poor blame the rich, and on and on. It's obvious that these individuals must be the products of our fine public school system, since it's obvious they know nothing of how we acquired Texas, California and the rest of the border states that most of these race-baters would like to see returned to Mexican control. And what would happen if we did turn a portion of the US back to them? It'd look just like the national s**t-hole that is Mexico within months! Take my word for it.

Anyone interested in how it actually went down, read what a KVI listener sent me:

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was the peace treaty that ended the Mexican-American War(1846-1848). The treaty provided for the Mexican Cession, in which Mexico ceded 525,000 square miles to the United States in exchange for USASD $15 million. The United States also agreed to take over $3.25 million in debts Mexico owed to American citizens. The cession included parts of the modern-day U.S. states of Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, and Wyoming, as well as the whole of California, Nevada, and Utah. The remaining parts of what are today the states of Arizona and New Mexico were later ceded under the 1853 Gadsen Purchase. The treaty was signed by Nicholas P. Trist on behalf of the United States and three plenipotentiary representatives of Mexico on February 2, 1848 , at the Villa of Guadalupe (today Gustavo A. Madero, D.F.), slightly north of Mexico City. It was subsequently ratified by the United States Senate on March 10 and by the Mexican government on May 19; the countries' ratifications were duly exchanged on May 30, 1848, at the city of Santiago de Queretaro..

So..Should we citizens of the U.S. demand our money back, adjusted for 160 years of inflation and interest accrued, and pick up the Mexican-American War where we left off? A 21st Century USAF, USN, USA, and USMC vs....

I like the idea, what'd 'ya think?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ship the illegals back to their original homes!

5:09 PM


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