"He who dares not offend cannot be honest." - Thomas Paine

Monday, October 03, 2005

Uncle Walt knows best...

Walter Cronkite, or "Uncle Walter" as he's been known to millions throughout his venerated career, thinks America is in trouble. And when this esteemed ex-CBS newsman, and an individual once identified as "America's most trusted man," says we're in trouble - people pay attention.

And so it was recently on the Larry King Live show, where Cronkite, looking noble as ever with his thick trademark mustache and bristling eyebrows, made mention that he feels Americans are ignorant, ill-educated and not bright enough to vote properly! That's right, the man that generations of American's looked to for their news, for comfort during trying times and as the rock that they could count on being there for them every night, thinks those same American's are ignorant!

He went on to say that we just aren't educated or informed enough to properly choose our leaders, certainly not congressmen or the President. Much of this lack of education he blamed on low teacher salaries and reprimanded the nation with a "we should be ashamed of ourselves" regarding our treatment of those people (teachers) having the biggest impact on our children's lives (sadly more than parents.) He quoted Jefferson's "the nation that expects to be ignorant and free, never can and never will be," to back his play and stunned millions when he claimed, "I don't think we're bright enough to do the job that would preserve our democracy, our republic. I think we're in serious danger."

And although, sadly, Uncle Walter has fallen in with the liberal elite (at his age we should forgive him) and while rarely I see eye to eye with old Walt politically, he makes a point here, a point that begs to be seriously considered and taken to heart.

Personally, I agree with Cronkite 100% on this one. We should be ashamed and we should be worried. And he's right, much of the voter apathy, low voter turnout and all-around mental simplicity we see from many our fellow countrymen is education related. Teachers are paid poorly. But then again, paid poorly for what? To teach our children a watered-down, politically correct version of United States history, civics, citizenship or government? In Cronkite's day kids were brought up in school on the stories of American heroes and heroines, taught the grandeur of our nation, it's founding and our type of government, the sacrifices millions made to keep us free, how and when to salute the flag and the names of prominent politicians and statesmen. Can the same be said today? Hardly! Today most of our young people get their news from The Daily Show or from their peers, who in turn get it (and it's political slant) from their parents. The once commonplace teaching of American government and (especially) history has been done away with in exchange for more politically correct and sensitive topics like "social studies" and "world cultures." Children aren't taught pride in their country, they aren't even required to pledge to the flag! And if you want a perfect example of Cronkite's theory, walk down the street and ask any 14-to-20-something kid who Condoleeza Rice, Tommy Franks or Denny Hastert is. Blank stares is all you'll get, or maybe if you're lucky a, "isn't he that guy from Wheel-of-Fortune?" The only reason they'd know the name George Bush is because they'd heard the name disdainfully dragged through the mud by their favorite celebrities!
Cronkite's right, we've been dumbed down, dumbed down by a lack of education, a lack of a good education - paired with an utter overflow of distractions that are a heck of a lot more fun than boring ol' politics! Who cares what's going on in Uganda, Iran, North Korea, Columbia or around the corner in city hall, The Surreal Life is on! Add to that the politicians who regularly embroil themselves in scandals, liaisons and bad judgments to the point of embarrassment or disgrace with every media outlet there to catch it when the axe falls and it's no wonder we don't have any respect for those "best and brightest" that 27% of us went to the polling place and voted in as our leaders!

It's an absolute grab-bag of blame when it comes to the issues Cronkite raises, and no amount of P. Diddy "Vote or Die" t-shirts is going to change that. Jefferson was right, an ignorant people will not be free for long. And why should we? If we don't have the common-sense, love of country and interest in the issues to educate ourselves and keep abreast of the news and issues of the day without being forced or worrying about missing our favorite show...we don't deserve to be free.

See story here - http://newsbusters.org/node/1824
See video here - http://www.cnn.com/video/bestoftv/2005/09/30/larry.king.friday.cnn/content.exclude.html


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