"He who dares not offend cannot be honest." - Thomas Paine

Saturday, June 17, 2006

The Dixie Twits are back....

It's no wonder why the Dixie Chicks launched their concert season in France...you play to your audience, and we all know you can't get much more anti-American then Paris. But it actually surprises me that they knew enough about their audience to pick a place like France, when you consider the disdain they've shown their US country-music audience - that has all but left their corner. So much so, in fact, that they're forced to look to our neighbor to the north, Canada, for shows, cause US ticket sales are so low. And how could that be? Maybe because they have NO understanding of what it means to "know your audience." Yes, they had enough sense to open in France, but that's a first. Cause when it comes to their fans in the US, they've got no clue. Country fans are patriotic, love and support their President, Democrat or Republican, but especially Bush and especially after 9-11 and throughout our fight in the Middle East. You want to ostracize your audience quick? Say the things they said about Bush and the US...and continue to say them! It's that simple. They continue to spew disdain for our country and leader and then act surprised and pi**ed when ticket sales don't go their way. Yes, their CD is at the top of the Billboard Rating for sales, but controversy sells and I guarantee you it surely isn't selling out at Wal-Marts around the nation.

The three girls many of us country boys used to fantasize about have turned into nothing but contemptible, Euro-trash lookalikes. Natalie Maines, the lead singer recently had this to say about the US,

"The entire country may disagree with me, but I don't understand the necessity for patriotism," Maines resumes, through gritted teeth. "Why do you have to be a patriot? About what? This land is our land? Why? You can like where you live and like your life, but as for loving the whole country, I don't see why people care about patriotism."

Well Maines, if you don't understand now, you never will...

Larry the Cable Guy is right when he says that if it wasn't for those 2 attractive sisters, the little fat one would be working a Lane Bryant in Nashville somewhere. At least there we wouldn't have to listen to the her spew her disdain for our country from her vaulted platform of stardom.

Read the whole article here: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/arts/main.jhtml?xml=/arts/2006/06/15/bmdixie15.xml


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are only a few choice words that are fit for these 3 unamericans and even those are hard to come up with. My vote is to have them just stand there and look pretty,leaving the chubby one out of course, and keep their big mouths shut. As far as I'm concerned they have not earned the right to live in this freedom based country called The United States of America.

10:35 PM


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