"He who dares not offend cannot be honest." - Thomas Paine

Thursday, April 20, 2006

The Muhammad Cartoons....

At the bottom of this posting there's a link to Michelle Malkin's site, where she's posted the Danish cartoons of Muhammad that caused such an uproar in the radical Muslim community. These Islamic brutes would like nothing more than to scare the Danes, the USA and the rest of the globe into submission with their threats of violence. Check out the cartoons and tell me that we're dealing with SANE individuals.

At no time has it been more important to embrace the idea of free speech and freedom of the press and show your support for the Danish people. These Muslims are radicals, teetering on the edge of the abyss of insanity.

How many times, DAILY, are all manner of religious symbols or figures made fun of and satirized? (If that is even what these Muhammad cartoons could be called!) It's apparent that the Muslim world is just looking for another excuse to whip themselves in to a frenzy towards the Western world. They refuse to understand freedom of speech, much like liberals - it only applies when you agree with them or, at the very least, don't offend them.

That's why I'm posting a link to these (some would say dangerous, inflammatory) images. We've got to stand up to this kind of mentally and show these creeps that we will not bend, cave or bow to their radical, tyrannical ideology of intolerance for other people freedoms and opinions. A wiser man than I once said, "Freedom of speech doesn't protect the speech you love, it protects the speech you hate."

These people need to understand that if their "prophet" didn't espouse an ideology of hate and death, two sentiments at the very root of Islam (as per their book, the Koran) they wouldn't be recieving such negative PR.

See the Muhammad cartoons here: http://michellemalkin.com/archives/004413.htm

And if you really want to put a stick in the eye of this imbecilic crowd, buy one of these shirts:


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