"He who dares not offend cannot be honest." - Thomas Paine

Saturday, January 28, 2006

My trophy from the Seattle Poker Open for "Best Late Start Player" of the Fall Season '05. Check out the Tour at: http://www.seattlepokeropen.com Posted by Picasa

Me with just half of the boxes of Christmas cards and letters from KVI listeners Kirby took to the wounded troops at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, as part of the Joshua Sparling Project. See story here: http://michellemalkin.com/archives/004143.htm Posted by Picasa

My board op, Matt Hardin, and I ...hard at work Posted by Picasa

Me with John and Brian of The Brian Suits Show Posted by Picasa

Kirby and I with Brigadier General Mark C. Kimmit of U.S. Central Command. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Big Nanny Is Watching You....

Phillip Dawdy at the Seattle Weekly hits the nail on the head with his look at the emerging nanny state mentality in the Emerald City. Definitely worth the read. http://www.seattleweekly.com/news/0603/nanny-seattle.php

Saturday, January 14, 2006


If you are ready for the adventure of a lifetime, TRY THIS:

Enter Mexico illegally. Never mind immigration quotas, visas, international law, or any of that nonsense.

Once there, demand that the local government provide free medical care for you and your entire family.

Demand bilingual nurses and doctors.

Demand free bilingual local government forms, bulletins, etc. Procreate abundantly.

Deflect any criticism of this allegedly irresponsible reproductive behavior with, "It is a cultural U.S.A. thing. You would not understand, pal."

Keep your American identity strong.

Fly Old Glory from your rooftop, or proudly display it in your front window or on your car bumper.

Speak only English at home and in public and insist that your children do likewise.

Demand classes on American culture in the Mexican school system.

Demand a local Mexican driver license. This will afford other legal rights and will go far to legitimize your unauthorized, illegal, presence in Mexico.

Drive around with no liability insurance and ignore local traffic laws.

Insist that local Mexican law enforcement teach English to all its officers.

Good luck! You'll be demanding for the rest of time or soon dead. Because it will never happen. It will not happen in Mexico or any other country in the world except right here in the United States, Land of naive and idiotic, politically correct politicians.

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